Your company is excited to carve out its own place in the e-commerce arena. While you already know that you must have a website for capturing a steady flow of organic traffic to generate sales, what you may not know is that the content that appears on your website, as well as elsewhere on the Internet, is an essential part of developing an effective online marketing strategy. The saying, “Content is king,” is not a phrase to be taken lightly. SEO content writing is the central factor that separates the most successful company websites, blogs and social media pages from those whose performance is simply abysmal. This is because underperforming web content tends to be both poorly written and fails to be optimized with the latest winning SEO strategies.
Writing content for the web is a battle being waged on two primary fronts. On one hand, the digital content which you publish online must be of sufficient value that the traffic viewing that content perceives it to be authority content. On the other hand, it is not simply web traffic that you must appeal to with your online content. Search engines are taking a close look at your published content with a critical eye. The difference is that search engines are looking to see if what you publish online is written with the latest SEO standards in mind. If your web content is not effectively presented in a way that search engines demand, then this could hinder your marketing efforts on both fronts.
To ensure that your company is using quality written content augmented with highly effective SEO strategies, be sure to contact NB Business Consulting Group to learn how our team of experienced content authors and SEO specialists can take your companies online content to a whole new level of online marketing excellence.
What Is SEO Content Writing?
As search engines have evolved, the way professionally written web content is developed has also evolved towards requiring attention to more than the information about the topic being covered. Even the best authors producing content for driving traffic from search engines to other online destinations must orient their work to reflect the ever-changing SEO standards that search engine algorithms demand content writers to meet. Failure to meet these demands will undoubtedly lead to content being ranked extremely low in search engine results. This is why so many companies seek to work with seo content writing services who know how to avoid the many pitfalls that lead to this unfortunate outcome. Consequently, SEO content writing is the process of writing web-based content that properly complies with the ever changing SEO demands that search engines impose on anyone wanting their digital content to be listed and ranked with these search engines. This is done in order to allow these search engines to identify the best web content to be served up to users who are actively searching for specific information on a given topic.
What Is the Difference Between SEO Content Writing and SEO Copywriting?
There is a lot of confusion about how SEO content writing differs from SEO copywriting. To understand the differences between these two SEO writing styles, it is important to ask yourself the following question. Does your company want to drive lots of traffic to a particular website or social media destination to work on branding itself, its products and services, or does your company want to target qualified leads to generate more lead conversions?
If your company is only interested in getting larger volumes of organic search engine traffic to a company website, blog or seeks to compel more web-based traffic to interact on your company’s social media pages, then SEO content writing uses keyword phrases to grab traffic for these kinds of branding purposes. Notice, the point of using SEO content writing is to create buzz around your brand and place your company in the lime light.
However, if you are looking to appeal to qualified, highly targeted leads for the purpose of increasing lead conversion rates with your web content, then SEO copywriting will be the kind of writing you will want to use to accomplish this goal. SEO copywriting may include more ad copy and pitchy language than typical SEO content writing would. So, remember, SEO copywriting uses specific keyword phrases searched for in search engine results to grab qualified leads when a company has a product to sell and they have an idea of the type of web traffic to target in order to increase lead conversion rates. What may lead to some confusion between these two SEO writing styles is that they sometimes overlap in terms of how they are being used when employed in online marketing campaigns.
Important Elements of Modern SEO Content Writing
Masterfully formulated works of SEO content writing do not happen by chance. There are important key elements that must be considered when effectively weaving SEO into an online approach for preparing written content to play well with search engines. The following are a few of the elements that make more of a difference than you may realize when it comes to beefing up the SEO side of your company’s digital content.
Title Tags
– Sometimes referred to as “meta title tags”, title tags are an HTML element used for establishing a webpage’s title. Title tags are also used in search engine listings to identify the title of pages that a user may feel compelled to click through to visit.
– Headlines are explanations of web content that helps a search engine to determine if a webpage’s content fits a user’s search query. This is a useful tool if the headline contains a popular search phrase relevant to what the user is searching for to better ensure a good match has been found.
Meta Description
– A meta description refers to the HTML information which provides a short, compelling overview of a page’s content. This information is typically associated with search engine listings to help compel a user to want to click through to a website to learn more.
Keyword Frequency
– The idea of a keywords frequency generally refers to how often a specific keyword appears within a given piece of written online content.
Page Links
– Page links are clickable HTML objects that help us to navigate from one webpage to another. How they are rendered and organized can have an impact on the SEO of a website.
What Is the SEO Content Writing Process?
When helping clients to get their SEO content writing project off the ground, NB Business Consulting Group employs a well-tested, step-by-step process that makes everything move along in a timely fashion. The following is a brief overview of how our SEO content writing process works.
1. Understanding Client Goals
To best meet a client’s SEO content writing needs, we begin by talking with the client to find out what their business is all about. By identifying a client’s business goals, this helps to write SEO driven content for their website that will attract an endless stream of relevant online traffic.
2. Identifying the Best Approach Through Effective Analysis
In order to develop a winning SEO content writing strategy that works for the client, we start this next phase of the process by having one of our SEO specialists pour over the related analytics to determine how the web content the client presently uses ranks with respect to content published by competitors. This kind of analysis is critical for identifying the direction and strategy to use to improve the quality of the client’s content. It also helps to optimize SEO measures to push the client’s content to the top of search engine rankings for increasing traffic exposure.
3. Keyword Research
To know which keywords will be the right fit for use in our client’s written content, it is necessary for our SEO specialists to research which words and phrases are most popularly employed by users of the various mainstream search engines. Once this information is revealed, we can leverage these keywords and keyword phrases by adding them into the client’s written web content to drive that content’s search engine rankings higher. This helps to take the guess work out of identifying which keywords are useful for written content that either appeals to large volumes of traffic or for use in more focused SEO copywriting efforts.
4. Composing the Client’s SEO Content
When the important keywords are found and a plan for how to write the content for a client’s site has been determined, the SEO specialist then passes this information off to an expert content author. The content writer’s job is to write the client’s website content while adhering to all the SEO guidelines recommended by the SEO specialist.
5. The Content Is Sent to the Client for Review
Once the client’s content has been written and prepared, it is then submitted to the client for review. The client is given complete access to the material, and they are welcome to make any modifications they think are necessary. If they require more extensive revisions of the work or if any sections of the content need to be rewritten by our team, then the client is provided an opportunity to submit their notes and feedback for this purpose. We allow the client one complementary feedback cycle to ensure all corrections are made to their specifications.
6. Publishing the Finished Content
Finally, after the client expresses satisfaction with the development of the SEO driven content, the next step is to publish the approved content to the area of the web for which it is intended. This could be the client’s website, a social media platform page, a blog or other outlet for publishing the client’s content. Once this happens, the content goes live and can be accessed by search engines and online traffic alike.
Choosing the Right Team to Write Your SEO Content
Writing truly excellent SEO content is a gift that very few people possess. This is why it is a stellar idea to work with a team of professional SEO content authors and specialists who will address all the important SEO-related details that are required to achieve high search engine rankings. At the same time, this team must be able to hit on the subtle nuances that makes online SEO-driven content appealing to online traffic. If you are ready to get your hands on well written web content that is designed to meet all SEO expectations and effectively reaches its target audience, then look no further than the seo content writing services of NB Business Consulting Group for all your SEO content writing needs. Contact us now to give your online content the competitive edge in your industry.