NB Business Consulting Group

Company Overview

Our Mission

Your Success Is
Our Mission

When it comes to running a business, there are always areas that can use improvement. Coordinating time, money, employees, and resources is no easy feat. What we are offering are services that maximize your organization’s potential output by optimizing your operations. By analyzing our clients’ existing strategies and processes, we are able to create custom designed tools and products to help increase customer engagement, accelerate revenues, better understand your business, and maximize profits. Once we’ve delivered the final product, we provide ongoing support to ensure that you continue to get the most out of your dynamic new approach.

NB Business Consulting Group was created as a one-stop marketing and financial service for businesses that are poised for growth. We believe that our success is best represented by the success of our clients and that is our top priority.

Meet The Team

Our Founders

NB Business Consulting Group was created as a one-stop marketing and financial service for businesses that are poised for growth. We believe that our success is best represented by the success of our clients and that is our top priority.

Bri Plunkett

Bri Plunkett

Founder & Marketing Director

Nick Plunkett

Nick Plunkett

Founder & Business Analyst